Frequently Asked Questions
This page has been designed to answer questions that are specific to the massage practice at Not Knotted Now. Questions such as;
How will I know my muscles love me?
When muscles are loving you and doing their job for you; they should not be screaming or even whispering for your attention all day long or interrupt your sleep.
What are "knots"?
These are areas in the soft tissue(muscles & membranes) that have been over-exerted (exercise, yardwork, etc) or surprised by an impact (car accident or a fall) and are not able to work with the group (other muscles) for your benefit. They are ususally tender, but hard when you touch them, not to be confused with a trigger point. Nerve impingement can also cause knots due to the muscle possibly getting an interrupted message from the brain. Knots do interfere withthe function of the muscle group; this also makes everyone else (around the group) have to work harder, including you.
How is a Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy® massage different than other deep tissue massages?
A Pfrimmer massage attends to specific pathways and utilizes the therapist's thumbs to create negative pressure (fluffing) on the tissue versus other techniques that use only compression and or stripping of the tissue. Deep tissue therapy does not always have to be painful or leave bruising, not going to fib, yes there can be discomfort but very short-lived!
Really, adults are not supposed to be ticklish?
Tickle in an adult can be caused by muscles and other soft tissue that have lost their slide & glide ability (one reason H2O is so important to the body). When you need one group to perform they may have to drag another group with them, making it a restricted, uncomfortable reach/stretch for you. Most bodyworkers believe that tickle is actually an indicator that there is an area of concern that should be addressed.
What is the difference between Manual Lymph Drainage and Lymph Massage?
Manual Lymph Drainage is a very gentle technique that reduces swelling in a specific region of the body and if necessary can help direct the lymph to a more effective pathway. Lymph massage is accomplished by authentic Swedish massage. The Services page has explanations of each technique.